On the move?
Moving house can be a somewhat stressful occupation. Not only do you have to pack a life time’s worth of possessions into a lorry, but you also need to deal with various kids, the dog, a couple of cats, a dozen pot plants and all the junk you left in the attic from your last move.
Relax, we are going to show you how to make the smoothest move possible. The key is in the planning. The better the plan the easier it is. Below is a comprehensive plan and checklist. You can copy and paste into a Word document and then you can stick it on the fridge and tick off the various bits as you do them. That way round you are less likely to forget something important.
Most of this list applies to you whether you are using a professional removal company or whether you are going to do it yourself.
4 weeks beforehand
1) Confirm the moving date
2) Hire a good quality removals company. Make sure they are a member of the British Association of Removers or the National Guild of Removers and Storers (NGRS) and make sure that they are fully insured
3) Start collecting old newspapers and boxes. Even if you are hiring a company, there may be certain things that you want to move yourself
4) Arrange for utility, telephone, broadband and satellite dish connections at your new home
5) Complete a change of address form with the Post Office to re-direct your mail
6) Also notify in writing:
Water, gas and electricity suppliers, schools, churches, clubs, credit and store card companies, mobile phone companies, banks and building societies, magazine, book and music clubs, DVLA (driving licence and vehicle registration), Inland Revenue, council tax, employers, GP, Dentist and friends and relatives
2 weeks beforehand
1) Discontinue regular services such as newspapers, window cleaning, etc
2) Begin packing any non-essentials, such as out of season clothes, infrequently used crockery etc
3) Start to run down the contents of your fridge and freezer.
4) Make a list of your possessions so you can check if you've left anything behind
5) Arrange for the transfer of insurance (house and car etc) for the moving day
6) Don’t forget your garden equipment. Prepare it for the move, drain fuel from lawnmowers etc
7) Make a sketch plan of your new home to determine the placement of furnishings. You can then colour code and label the boxes for the relevant rooms and contents
8) Dispose of any items that you don’t wish to bring with you
9) Arrange key handover details
10) Label all your various keys
11) Buy basic light fittings to replace any fittings that you are taking with you
12) Arrange for a TV licence for the new house
Day before
1) Defrost fridge and freezer
2) Pack a bag with handy essentials, such as kettle and teabags, milk, mugs and teaspoons, nappies (if you need them), toilet roll etc
3) Pack a mini toolkit, with screwdrivers and fuses, spare light bulbs etc
4) Pack a bag of basic clothes for each family member
5) Make up a cleaning bag and take the hoover with you, so you can clean before you unpack your stuff
6) Reserve a parking spot outside both properties
7) Unplug any relevant appliances
8) Do not water houseplants, as you don’t need any excess water slopping around
9) Disconnect non-essential light fittings
10) Pack your valuables separately
11) Try and get a good night’s sleep
Moving day
1) Disconnect remaining light fittings
2) Take meter readings in your old house
3) Don’t forget to take your valuables with you
4) Take meter readings in your new house
5) Plug in the kettle in your new home and make yourself a cup of tea
6) Give the place a good clean and hoover
7) Set up the beds and put up the curtains as early as possible, as you don’t want to do it at the end of a long day
8) Start unpacking
It will probably take a few days to unpack the majority of the stuff and this is where you will get the benefit of the labelling work you did earlier. If you have done it properly, you will be able to find the things you need before everything is unpacked.
And finally, sit down, relax and celebrate your new home with something fizzy.